Rector of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Professor János Józsa is the Rector of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and Head of Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering.

His main research intererst and field of teaching is the hydrodynamics of surface waters including interface processes, measuring and modelling wind-induced lake  currents and sediment motion, measuring and modelling flow, mixing and sediment transport in rivers with compound channel, modelling floodplain inundation, deterministic and stochastic modelling of turbulence.
Computer modelling and simulation have always been important elements both in research and in his teaching.

His current research interests are measurement and 3D CFD modelling of flow and morphological changes in large rivers, measurement and adaptive numerical modelling of wind-induced flows and transport processes in shallow lakes.

Professor János Józsa is committed to international cooperation in education and research, he is coordinator of several fundamantal as well as applied research projects, international bilateral science and technology cooperations, member of more than 10 international associations and committees in his research field and holder of several highly appreciated scientific and educational awards.